Drawing Shapes with Turtle

Make a shape drawing program with Python Turtle!

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I like to draw, you like to draw, so let's create a drawing program with shapes such as circles, squares, and triangles! It will turn out really cool.

Drawing Example Nice Gif

Final demo and code

Setting up

We're going to use Repl.it, a free, online coding editor, to create the project. Get started by visiting repl.it/languages/python3.

Python Repl

Once your repl spins up, let's do this!

Cool Gif

Importing Libraries

Let's begin by importing the turtle and math libraries. At the top of the main.py file, add:

import turtle
import math

We will be drawing to the screen using the turtle library! turtle allows us to draw to the screen like a whiteboard. We can go to specific spots on the screen, draw lines and dots, create filled in shapes, change the drawing color, and more. You'll get to see it in action soon!

The math library just provides an easy way to do math in python. We'll use it to make some calculations in a bit.

Creating Variables

Next, let's create some initial variables:

squareWidth = 20
circleRadius = 10
triangleLength = 20

We are creating variables for the width of the square, radius of the circle, and length of the triangle. They will be used in the drawing process later.

Under those variables, add these variables:

itemNum = 0
maxItem = 3

The amount of shapes we have will be under maxItem and itemNum is where we will start (the index in the array). This will make more sense when we draw the items later on.

Finally, add these variables:

colorNum = 0 
colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "orange", "purple", "grey", "black"]

The variable colorNum is the index we are starting at with the array of "colors". We will handle swtiching between colors later on.

Initializing The Turtle

Next, let's initialize the turtle.

Turtle Gif

After everything you wrote, at the bottom of the file, add:


Here, we're:

  • hiding the turtle cursor, which shows up by default
  • setting the speed to 0 so it will draw instantly
  • making the turtle's pen go up so it will not draw while moving

Drawing the Shapes

I know you're eager to get into the meat of the progran, so let's do it.

Drawing the Circle

We are going to create the circle function. Look at the "o". I know it's a pretty cool circle.

Circle Example

At the bottom of the file, add:

def circle(x, y): 
  • First, we define the function, which passes in x and y coordinates as parameters
  • Inside the function, we add begin_fill() and end_fill() statements. Anytime you draw with turtle, you need to wrap your drawing in between these two statements.

In between those two statements, add:

def circle(x, y): 
  turtle.goto(x, y-circleRadius) 
  • First, we go to the location of where we will draw. It is offset so it'll be centered at the mouse point.
  • Then, we draw the circle with turtle.circle()!

Drawing the Square

Next, let's create the square function.

Square Example

Under the circle() function, add:

def square(x, y):
  turtle.goto(x-(squareWidth/2), y-(squareWidth/2))

This look similar to the circle() function, except the goto statement is optimized for a square, and then we set the direction of the turtle to face right.

Next, just before the end_fill() statement but after everything else, add:

def square(x, y):
  turtle.goto(x-(squareWidth/2), y-(squareWidth/2))
  for x in range(4):

Here, we're:

  • Running a for loop 4 times, to account for each side of a square
  • Moving the turtle along the square, so that it draws the square.

Drawing the Triangle

Next, let's create the triangle function.

Triangle Example

After the square() function, add:

def triangle(x, y):
  turtle.goto(x-(triangleLength/2), y-((triangleLength *math.sqrt(3))/6))

Again, similar to the previous functions, except the goto() statement optimizes for a triangle.

Next, in between the begin_fill() and end_fill() statements, add:

def triangle(x, y):
  turtle.goto(x-(triangleLength/2), y-((triangleLength *math.sqrt(3))/6))

  for x in range(3):


Just like how we drew the square, we're drawing the 3 sides of the triangle.

Finishing Up the Shapes

Almost There Gif

We are done making the shapes, but that's useless if we can't switch between them! Let's add that.

Switching Between Shapes

At the bottom of the Python file, after every function you wrote, add:

def switchShape(x, y):
  global itemNum
  global maxItem
  • First, we create a function called switchShape(), which takes in x and y coordinates as parameters.
  • Then, we use the global keyword to be able to modify the itemNum and maxItem global variables we definined at the beginning of this workshop inside this function.

Next, continue the function with the following code:

def switchShape(x, y):
  global itemNum
  global maxItem

  itemNum += 1

  if (itemNum >= maxItem):
    itemNum = 0

Here, we're just incrementing the itemNum variable by 1 and resetting it to 0 if it's greater than the maxItem.

Drawing Shapes

Next, let's add a function for drawing shapes. At the bottom of the file, add:

def drawItem(x, y): 
  global itemNum
  if (itemNum == 0):
    circle(x, y)
  elif (itemNum == 1):
    square(x, y)
  elif (itemNum == 2):
    triangle(x, y)
  • First, we use the global keyword again to access the itemNum variable.
  • If the variable is 0, we draw a circle.
  • If it's 1, we draw a square.
  • If it's 2, we draw a triangle.
  • Otherwise, we print the number to the console since we don't have a shape for it.

Switching Between Colors

Next, let's add a function to switch between colors.

Switch Colors Example

At the bottom of the file, add:

def switchColor(x, y):
  global colorNum
  global colors

  colorNum += 1

  if (colorNum >= len(colors)):
    colorNum = 0

  • First, we access the global colorNum and colors variables.
  • Then, we increment the colorNum by 1.
  • If colorNum is greater than the number of items in the colors array, we reset it to 0
  • Then, we set the turtle's drawing color to the color at the index of the current colorNum in the colors array.

Clicking On Screen

Clicking Screen Gif

We're almost done! Now, we want to add some code that will handle the user clicking on the screen to draw something. At the bottom of the file, after every function, add:

turtle.onscreenclick(drawItem, 1)
turtle.onscreenclick(switchColor, 2)
turtle.onscreenclick(switchShape, 3)
  • We call the turtle.onscreenclick() function, which is run when it detects that the screen has been clicked.
  • If the user clicks the left mouse button (1), we draw the current shape.
  • If the user clicks on the middle button (2), we switch the color.
  • If the user clicks on the right button (3), we switch the shape.

Alternative Controls

In case your middle mouse button and right click do not work, let's make some alternative keyboard controls. At the bottom of the file, add:

def alternativeControlColor():
  canvas = turtle.getcanvas()
  x, y = canvas.winfo_pointerx(), canvas.winfo_pointery()
  switchColor(x, y)

def alternativeControlShape():
  canvas = turtle.getcanvas()
  x, y = canvas.winfo_pointerx(), canvas.winfo_pointery()
  switchShape(x, y)

These functions get the current mouse position and call their respective function of switching the shape or size.

Next, let turtle know of these alternate controls.

turtle.onkey(alternativeControlColor, "s")
turtle.onkey(alternativeControlShape, "d")

Similar to the onscreenclick() function, the onkey function will automatically run when turtle detects that the user pressed a key. We link the color control to s and the shape control to d.

Finally, at the bottom, add:


These two lines make our turtle program run.

You're done!

You are done! Congrats!

Done Gif
Final source code:
import turtle
import math 

squareWidth = 20
circleRadius = 10
triangleLength = 20

itemNum = 0
maxItem = 3

colorNum = 0 
colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "orange", "purple", "grey", "black"]


def drawItem(x, y): 
  global itemNum
  if (itemNum == 0):
    circle(x, y)
  elif (itemNum == 1):
    square(x, y)
  elif (itemNum == 2):
    triangle(x, y)

def circle(x, y): 
  turtle.goto(x, y-circleRadius) 

def square(x, y):
  turtle.goto(x-(squareWidth/2), y-(squareWidth/2))
  for x in range(4):

def triangle(x, y):
  turtle.goto(x-(triangleLength/2), y-((triangleLength *math.sqrt(3))/6))

  for x in range(3):


def switchColor(x, y):
  global colorNum
  global colors

  colorNum += 1

  if (colorNum >= len(colors)):
    colorNum = 0


def switchShape(x, y):
  global itemNum
  global maxItem

  itemNum += 1

  if (itemNum >= maxItem):
    itemNum = 0
turtle.onscreenclick(drawItem, 1)
turtle.onscreenclick(switchColor, 2)
turtle.onscreenclick(switchShape, 3)

def alternativeControlColor():
  canvas = turtle.getcanvas()
  x, y = canvas.winfo_pointerx(), canvas.winfo_pointery()
  switchColor(x, y)

def alternativeControlShape():
  canvas = turtle.getcanvas()
  x, y = canvas.winfo_pointerx(), canvas.winfo_pointery()
  switchShape(x, y)

turtle.onkey(alternativeControlColor, "s")
turtle.onkey(alternativeControlShape, "d")



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