Leader Newsletter 2020-11-10


Hey friends 👋

Matthew from Hack Club here. You're receiving this email most likely because we had a great onboarding call sometime in the past month or so, or you're a leader who I've been in contact with, and I want to try something new with you.

One thing I want to focus on heavily for the rest of this school year is personally investing in and staying in touch with club leaders. So, I'm trying something new: every Monday morning, I'm going to write up a short update for every club leader who I've onboarded, sharing what I'm up to and giving you a first look at new HQ initiatives. This will feel a little rough around the edges at first, but hopefully with your feedback, I'll really find my voice within the next few weeks. In the near future, I'm hoping to expand this project beyond just an email update, to stuff like MSCHF-style drops for club leaders that help you run great meetings—with you getting first dibs.

A bit about what I'm up to: last week, I found myself in another workshop bounty reviewing hole. Since the workshop bounty program launched, I've been spending hours reviewing each workshop, which both prevented me from doing anything else at Hack Club and wasn't actually effective at getting through the backlog. At the end of last week, I decided to spend a lot less time reviewing workshop bounties and be a lot stricter around closing bounties that don't meet the rules—and so far, it's been super effective. I think I can get through the rest of the backlog with an hour or two of work today, and I'm pretty confident I won't fall into another hole with this approach. If you haven't submitted a workshop yet, I highly recommend doing so! Writing a good workshop that becomes official Hack Club curriculum feels super rewarding (I know from experience!). Plus, we'll pay you $200 for it!

My goal for the rest of this week: I want to talk to a bunch of club leaders and get a read on how clubs are doing this year. For me, that means I want to get on the phone (or on a Zoom call) with you. I don't have any specific agenda in mind—I just want to get to know you a bit, learn about how Hack Club is working for you, and casually chat about whatever. If you have 30 minutes to an hour anytime this week, text me (765) 412-5789 or DM me on Slack (@matthew).

I am super excited to keep in touch with y'all, and I can't wait to see what comes out of this :)

✨🚀👁 Matthew

P.S. I'm not using any fancy software to send this email—I'm literally just pasting all of your emails into the Gmail BCC field. If you don't want to receive these emails, no worries! Just reply and let me know and I won't include you in the next one.

P.P.S. Here's a picture of the new Hack Club office in Shelburne, Vermont, in case anyone's curious. The office is the house on the left. On the right is the Shelburne Country Store, a staple of the local community since 1859. Vermont is so cool. picture of the new hack club office in shelburne in the evening

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